Salted Caramel Candies


Every year for the holidays I give away holiday candy. I am not big on presents (sorry but it is true) I just don't get the whole giving someone something because you feel like you have to. Yes, Bah Humbug. But I do enjoy cooking for friends and family and then giving those away as presents. So over the next couple of weeks leading up to the holidays, I am going to share my go-to candy recipes so you all can try your hand at making them for your loved ones.

This is the perfect recipe to start with, salted caramel candies.  Ooey gooey caramels, topped with a little sea salt, it s the perfect treat for the holidays. Also, who doesn't love salted caramel?


You should totally try this recipe, it is actually pretty easy but a couple things to think about when you are making these - No. 1. Don't think too much about the not-so-good for you ingredients that are going into these candies. Yes, they are not healthy, but if they were, would they still be considered candy? No. 2. When you are making these please, please be careful. Turning sugar into caramel is like molten lava just sitting on your stove. When you add the cream and butter to the sugar to turn the sugar into the caramel, step back because it is going to bubbly like crazy and if it overflows just let it over flow -do not try to stop it. (I learned this is from experience)


This recipe makes about 70 candies, which is the perfect amount to divide, wrap up with parchment paper and give to friends and family.


What about you  - what is your go to gift for the holidays?

